Our Guarantee

We guarantee that our plants are healthy and in prime condition when they are recieved by you. If you feel the quality issue, contact us within 3 days of pickup or delivery with a photo of the plant(s). We may be able to replace the plant if a hidden defect caused the plant to die or break that soon after purchase. We are not responsible for losses caused by: 

1. Extreme or unseasonable weather conditions.

2. Neglect to apply enough water to your plant. 

3. Failure to correctly install your plant or choosing the wrong planting location. 

4. Damage from hungry animals, insects, or pets.

5. Other causes beyond our control.


REFUND POLICY: No refunds after on-line purchase, pickup or delivery. We may be able to replace the plant if a hidden defect caused the plant to die or break with-in 3 days after purchase. In such a case, you will need to bring the plant back for inspection and approval.


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