Plant Min Zone: 5a
Plant Max Zone: 9a
Sunlight: Part Sun, Shade
Water / Rainfall: Average, High
Soil Quality: Average, Rich
Bloom Season: Spring
Flower Color: Cream
Berry / Fruit Color: Orangish Red, Orange
Spring Foliage Color: Green
Summer Foliage Color: Green
Fall Foliage Color: Green
Evergreen Foliage: No
Winter Interest: No
Scented Flowers: No
Drought Tolerance: Low, Medium
Wet-Feet Tolerance: Medium, High
Humidity Tolerance: High
Wind Tolerance: Low
Poor Soil Tolerance: No Extreme Soils
Height: 1' - 1.5'
Width: 1' - 1.5'
Growth Rate: Slow, Medium
Service Life: Medium: 3-5 years
Maintenance Need: Medium
Spreading Potential: Extremely Low
Yearly Trimming Tips: Trim Perennial to Ground Around First Fall Freeze: No Winter Interest.
Plant Grouping Size: Specimen Planting of 1-3
Best Side of House: East Exposure, North Exposure
Extreme Planting Locations: Base of Retaining Wall Locations, Resistant to Rabbits
Ornamental Features: Large Tropical Foliage / Flowers, Exceptional / Colorful Foliage
Special Landscape Uses: None
Possible Pest Problems: Weed Competition
Plant Limitations: May get Occasional Winter-kill, May be Poisonous
Japanese Cobra Lily (Arisaema ringens) is planted for its bright green foliage and bazaar "Cobra" hood-like flowers. Native to rich Japanese forests in humusy, medium to wet, well-drained soil in part shade to full shade, it needs a good location in the garden and will be a focal point. If foliage depreciates from drought, the plants may be cut to the ground with some regrowth and flowering possible in the fall. Combine with shade garden plants that will fill the space in summer such as hostas. Although this aroid offsetts, it is rare and uncommonly available for sale.