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Ilex opaca
American Tree Holly
$39.00 $50.00

American Tree Holly, is also known as Ilex opaca

product product
Impatiens sp.
Mixed Impatiens (Tropical)
$5.00 $6.50

***Description for this plant available with future update!*** This plant can also be used as a marginal aquatic plant growing in shallow water. It can also grow as a bog plant needing constantly moist soil rich in organic matter. As a rain garden plant, it will thrive is a depressed area in the landscape that collects rain water from a roof during spring and summer periods of rain but then go dormant if the water hole dries out completely.

product product
Indocalamus tessellatus
Largeleaf Groundcover Bamboo / Indocalamus
$20.00 $26.00

Largeleaf Groundcover Bamboo / Indocalamus, is also known as Indocalamus tessellatus

product product
Ipomoea batatas 'Blackie'
Black Sweet Potato Vine (Tropical)
$6.00 $7.80

Black Sweet Potato Vine (Ipomoea batatas 'Blackie') is one of the most rapidly growing annuals in out library: it can fill a large annual planting bed after 1 month when planted in May and taking advantage of early summer rains, heat and humidity. It is also great cascading down retaining walls or large pots! Occasional pink flowers do occur but are usually second place behind the attractive foliage. It can handle some drought due to its "sweet potato" underground tuber! It can also be a patio plant, house plant, or hanging basket. If growing as a potted plant and trying to overwinter, allowing the foliage to frost is ok, it will not kill the root system. However, do not allow the pot with rootball to freeze solid or go below 30 degrees for more than a few hours; move into a cold garage or basement over the winter with minimal watering. Allow to go dormant as needed with little care, just cut off dead foliage and place back out in April or May with a time-release fertilizer.

product product
Ipomoea batatas 'Sweet Caroline Light Green'
Gold Sweet Potato Vine (Tropical)
$6.00 $7.80

Gold Sweet Potato Vine (Ipomoea batatas 'Sweet Caroline Light Green') is one of the most rapidly growing annuals in out library: it can fill a large annual planting bed after 1 month when planted in May and taking advantage of early summer rains, heat and humidity. It is also great cascading down retaining walls or large pots! Occasional pink flowers do occur but are usually second place behind the attractive foliage. It can handle some drought due to its "sweet potato" underground tuber! It can also be a patio plant, house plant, or hanging basket. If growing as a potted plant and trying to overwinter, allowing the foliage to frost is ok, it will not kill the root system. However, do not allow the pot with rootball to freeze solid or go below 30 degrees for more than a few hours; move into a cold garage or basement over the winter with minimal watering. Allow to go dormant as needed with little care, just cut off dead foliage and place back out in April or May with a time-release fertilizer.

product product
Ipomoea pes-caprae
Beach Morning Glory / Railroad Vine (Tropical)
$5.00 $6.50

Beach Morning Glory / Railroad Vine (Ipomoea pes-caprae) is the most rapidly growing annual in out library capable of growing 30-50' in one summer! (100-200' in native coastal dune habitats) It can fill a large annual planting bed with bright green foliage after 1 month when planted in May and taking advantage of early summer rains, heat and humidity. It is also great cascading down retaining walls or large pots! Deep root system will grow in pure sand or typical garden soil provided that regular moisture is available. In Eastern Kansas, typically our 40 inches of rainfall is sufficient without extra water in good soils. The magenta flowers are 2-3" across and absolutely beautiful and will get noticed; blooms sporadically in early summer but covered by late summer and early fall in Kansas. Who would have thought that a coastal sand dune stabilization plant would thrive or even grow at all in Kansas? It has been trialed here as a hanging basket plant, cascading wall plant, and mass groundcover in annual beds. If growing as a potted plant and trying to overwinter, it is very difficult as these plants do not like low humidity or low light; best to replace each year.

product product
Iris cristata
Dwarf Crested Iris

***Description for this perennial available with future update!***

product product
Iris germanica
Bearded Iris (Mixed Colors)
$15.00 $19.50

***Description for this perennial available with future update!***

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Iris pseudacorus
Yellow Flag Water Iris
$15.00 $19.50

>>>>>This plant is normally used as a marginal aquatic plant growing in shallow water. It can also grow as a bog plant needing constantly moist soil rich in organic matter. As a rain garden plant, it will thrive is a depressed area in the landscape that collects rain water from a roof during spring and summer periods of rain but then go dormant if the water hole dries out completely.

product product
Iris sibirica
Siberian Iris
$15.00 $19.50

>>>>>This plant can also be used as a marginal aquatic plant growing in shallow water. It can also grow as a bog plant needing constantly moist soil rich in organic matter. As a rain garden plant, it will thrive is a depressed area in the landscape that collects rain water from a roof during spring and summer periods of rain but then go dormant if the water hole dries out completely.

product product
Iris sibirica 'Caesar's Brother'
Caesar's Brother Siberian Iris
$15.00 $19.50

>>>>>This plant can also be used as a marginal aquatic plant growing in shallow water. It can also grow as a bog plant needing constantly moist soil rich in organic matter. As a rain garden plant, it will thrive is a depressed area in the landscape that collects rain water from a roof during spring and summer periods of rain but then go dormant if the water hole dries out completely.

product product
Iris tectorum
Japanese Roof Iris

Japanese Roof Iris (Iris tectorum) is a rhizomatous perennial iris species with attractive clusters of wide fan-like foliage. It is native of China and Korea, with lavender-blue, bluish-violet, purple-blue, blue-lilac or sky blue flowers. Although flowers are attractive, this plant is grown just as much for its foliage. It prefers to grow in rich, well-drained, forest soil in part shade. This plant will grow in thin soils on top of rock outcroppings provided that moisture is available; Iris tectorum is commonly called 'roof iris' because it was grown in the thatch of Chinese and Japanese houses. Mostly used in Kansas gardens as an accent or curiosity plant.

product product
Itea virginica 'Henry's Garnet'
Henry's Garnet Virginia Sweetspire
$22.00 $28.60

Virginia sweetspire (Itea virginica) is a native shrub found along creeks and streams in the eastern United States. Foliage consists of a simple leaf, medium to light green, and usually glossy. White cascading flowers cover the plants in spring for about a month with pollinators flocking to the occasion. Fall color is outstanding shades of red and purple. Leaves cling to the stem and are very persistent down to about 10-15°F often finally dropping in December. Stems during the winter take on an attractive reddish-brown and green coloring. Sweetspire is truly a four-season shrub! In the landscape, combine with native plants, hardy tropicals, or summer flowering plants. These plants can tolerate saturated soils and are perfect for rain gardens or any other rich soil garden areas. North exposures are fine in zone 6 but not any further north as winter kill becomes a problem in zone 5. Water is usually the limiting factor in southern climates zone 7-9. Sweetspire is highly sensitive to iron chlorosis so avoid alkaline soils. In our eastern Kansas climate, we avoid afternoon sun and dry soils. Full shade is tolerated but not dry shade. Fall color will be reduced or nonexistent in full shade. Morning sun is best for avoiding leaf burn but still allowing fall coloring. Overall, this is a great garden plant when sited in the right conditions. Itea virginica 'Henry's Garnet' has larger flowers and better fall color compared to the species.

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Itea virginica 'Merlot'
Merlot Virginia Sweetspire
$22.00 $28.60

Virginia sweetspire (Itea virginica) is a native shrub found along creeks and streams in the eastern United States. Foliage consists of a simple leaf, medium to light green, and usually glossy. White cascading flowers cover the plants in spring for about a month with pollinators flocking to the occasion. Fall color is outstanding shades of red and purple. Leaves cling to the stem and are very persistent down to about 10-15°F often finally dropping in December. Stems during the winter take on an attractive reddish-brown and green coloring. Sweetspire is truly a four-season shrub! In the landscape, combine with native plants, hardy tropicals, or summer flowering plants. These plants can tolerate saturated soils and are perfect for rain gardens or any other rich soil garden areas. North exposures are fine in zone 6 but not any further north as winter kill becomes a problem in zone 5. Water is usually the limiting factor in southern climates zone 7-9. Sweetspire is highly sensitive to iron chlorosis so avoid alkaline soils. In our eastern Kansas climate, we avoid afternoon sun and dry soils. Full shade is tolerated but not dry shade. Fall color will be reduced or nonexistent in full shade. Morning sun is best for avoiding leaf burn but still allowing fall coloring. Overall, this is a great garden plant when sited in the right conditions. Itea virginica 'Merlot' features more mounded, compact stature and more persistant burgundy fall color making it an improvement over older varieties such as the old favorite 'Henry's Garnet'. Flowers are scented!


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