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Jasminium nudiflorum
Yellow Winter Flowering Hardy Jasmine
$18.00 $23.40

Winter Jasmine (Jasminium nudiflorum) is a spreading dwarf shrub native to China. It features dark green glossy leaves that remain attractive all summer. The density of the shrub overtime is unmatched, completely eliminating any weeds including tree seedlings from emerging. Bright yellow five-petaled flowers resembling forsythia bloom extremely early in the spring usually in February or March before foliage growth (in Lawrence, KS). Flower buds are hardy to about 0° so flowering may not occur every year if temperatures get lower. Occasionally this shrub will bloom in the middle of winter when we have a 2-3 week warm spell. When it does bloom, it creates a spectacular show completely covering the shrub. It will grow in full sun or full shade in medium to dry soils including some dry-shade. It tolerates moist soils and brief periods of saturated soils after heavy rains. Fall color is yellow but drops quickly. Stems take on an olive greenish color in winter rendering them mildly attractive. Winter jasmine is commonly grown as a spreading groundcover shrub for difficult areas, frequently used as large mass planting on hills. Because of its tolerance for adverse conditions including poor soil and rock, it is often one of the last resort plants that will survive in certain areas. It competes well under large shade trees and helps absorb leaf litter allowing it to break down and add nutrients back to the soil. This plant also does well in hot dry parking lot islands, hell strips, and along busy roads in full sun. Another great spot is planting on top of a retaining wall allowing it to cascade down. Further uses include erosion control and streambank stabilization. We do not recommend planting in small areas or in spaces that it will overrun neighboring plants. It only spreads above ground as horizontally growing stems touch the ground and root. This does make maintenance easier to control the spread of the plant versus digging out rhizomes. Avoid North exposures and wet soils. Considered one of the most versatile and best plants for solving difficult landscape challenges.

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Juncus effusus
Bog Rush / Juncus
$15.00 $19.50

>>>>>This plant can also be used as a marginal aquatic plant growing in shallow water. It can also grow as a bog plant needing constantly moist soil rich in organic matter. As a rain garden plant, it will thrive is a depressed area in the landscape that collects rain water from a roof during spring and summer periods of rain but then go dormant if the water hole dries out completely.

product product
Juncus effusus 'Spiralis'
Corkscrew Rush
$17.00 $22.10

***Description for this plant available with future update!*** This plant can also be used as a marginal aquatic plant growing in shallow water. It can also grow as a bog plant needing constantly moist soil rich in organic matter. As a rain garden plant, it will thrive is a depressed area in the landscape that collects rain water from a roof during spring and summer periods of rain but then go dormant if the water hole dries out completely.

product product
Juncus inflexus
Blue Rush / Juncus
$15.00 $19.50

>>>>>This plant can also be used as a marginal aquatic plant growing in shallow water. It can also grow as a bog plant needing constantly moist soil rich in organic matter. As a rain garden plant, it will thrive is a depressed area in the landscape that collects rain water from a roof during spring and summer periods of rain but then go dormant if the water hole dries out completely.

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Juniperus virginiana
Eastern Red Ceder
$45.00 $56.00

Eastern Red Ceder, is also known as Juniperus virginiana


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