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Euphorbia tirucalli 'Firesticks'
Firesticks Pencil Cactus/Tree (Tropical)
$18.00 $23.40

The Pencil Cactus (Euphorbia tirucalli) is a shrub with pencil-thick, green, smooth, succulent branches that provide photosynthesizes long after the foliage is shed. Usually grown as a patio or house plant in Kansas. Grow in full sun to full shade with optional extra watering including that which comes from rainfall. Plants with time to acclimate will thrive in full sun but be careful not to rush it or sunburning will occur. Generally if moving outside for the summer, allow 2-3 weeks of part shade or morning sun before placing in full sun. Repotting may or may not be needed depending on how large you want the plant to grow; plants can continue to grow taller and tolerate extremely root-bound pots but may need wind bracing. Potted plants are hardy to at least 25 degrees F for a short time if kept dry so you are ok if you miss the first light frost. Do not allow the pot with rootball to freeze solid though. Then move into a cold garage, basement, or bright window over the winter with occasional watering. As a winter house plant, it will look presentable all winter long with just a few waterings. As a permanent house plant, provide bright light and allow the soil to dry between waterings for many years of carefree enjoyment. Potted plants are very low maintenance needing very occasional pruning or topping. Stems are filled with a toxic milky sap which seems to flow out very vigorously even with only the tiniest injury. All members of the genus Euphorbia produce a milky sap called latex that is toxic and can range from a mild irritant to very poisonous. Firesticks Pencil Cactus (Euphorbia tirucalli 'Firesticks') is a highly ornamental variety that is more of a chartreuse color with bright orange and red tips developing in response to cold night temperatures.

product product
Euphorbia trigona
African Milk Tree Cactus (Tropical)
$18.00 $23.40

African Milk Tree (Euphorbia trigona) is a an easy care succulent tree that originates from West Africa. Its triangular columns make a fascinating architectural addition to the room or patio. Usually grown as a patio or house plant in Kansas. Grow in full sun to full shade with optional extra watering including that which comes from rainfall. Plants with time to acclimate will thrive in full sun but be careful not to rush it or sunburning will occur. Generally if moving outside for the summer, allow 2-3 weeks of part shade or morning sun before placing in full sun. Repotting may or may not be needed depending on how large you want the plant to grow; plants can continue to grow taller and tolerate extremely root-bound pots but may need wind bracing. Potted plants are hardy to at least 28 degrees F for a short time if kept dry so you are ok if you miss the first light frost. Do not allow the pot with rootball to freeze solid though. Then move into a cold garage, basement, or bright window over the winter with occasional watering. As a winter house plant, it will look presentable all winter long with just a few waterings. As a permanent house plant, provide bright light and allow the soil to dry between waterings for many years of carefree enjoyment. Potted plants are very low maintenance needing very occasional pruning or topping. Stems are filled with a toxic milky sap which seems to flow out very vigorously even with only the tiniest injury. All members of the genus Euphorbia produce a milky sap called latex that is toxic and can range from a mild irritant to very poisonous. No insect pests will bother this plant.

product product
Euphorbia trigona 'Rubra'
Red African Milk Tree Cactus (Tropical)
$18.00 $23.40

African Milk Tree (Euphorbia trigona) is a an easy care succulent tree that originates from West Africa. Its triangular columns make a fascinating architectural addition to the room or patio. Usually grown as a patio or house plant in Kansas. Grow in full sun to full shade with optional extra watering including that which comes from rainfall. Plants with time to acclimate will thrive in full sun but be careful not to rush it or sunburning will occur. Generally if moving outside for the summer, allow 2-3 weeks of part shade or morning sun before placing in full sun. Repotting may or may not be needed depending on how large you want the plant to grow; plants can continue to grow taller and tolerate extremely root-bound pots but may need wind bracing. Potted plants are hardy to at least 28 degrees F for a short time if kept dry so you are ok if you miss the first light frost. Do not allow the pot with rootball to freeze solid though. Then move into a cold garage, basement, or bright window over the winter with occasional watering. As a winter house plant, it will look presentable all winter long with just a few waterings. As a permanent house plant, provide bright light and allow the soil to dry between waterings for many years of carefree enjoyment. Potted plants are very low maintenance needing very occasional pruning or topping. Stems are filled with a toxic milky sap which seems to flow out very vigorously even with only the tiniest injury. All members of the genus Euphorbia produce a milky sap called latex that is toxic and can range from a mild irritant to very poisonous. No insect pests will bother this plant. Red African Milk Tree Cactus (Euphorbia trigona 'Rubra') is a fabulous red-leaf cultivar with reddish-maroon stems.

product product
Fargesia rufa
Dwarf Clump Bamboo / Dragon Head Bamboo
$20.00 $26.00

Dragon Head Bamboo (Fargesia rufa) is a wonderful relatively new bamboo introduction with bright green leaves, red sheaths on new canes, and most importantly, a CLUMPING growth habit. This plant creates a soft textured tropical lush appearance in the garden. This unique and interesting plant is evergreen to -5 degree F and grows to about 2-3 feet in Eastern Kansas. (the published 6-10 feet is only achieved in desirable more stable climates like Oregon) Fargesia rufa provides shelter for birds, is not troubled by any diseases, insects, or animals, and is resistant to drought and heat after established. In Eastern Kansas, typically our 40 inches of rainfall is sufficient without extra water if planted in good soils. It is best grown in organically rich, acidic, well-drained soils in part shade but tolerates full shade (not dry-shade). It prefers cool summer climates; although we are on the Southern edge of this plants adaptability, it still survives reasonably well here. Look for a cold microclimate planting location such as East or North exposure. It needs some morning sun but lots of protection from hot afternoon sun. Does not perform well in the hot and humid summers of the southeastern U.S. or anywhere south of zone 6b. I have witnesses plants die in zone 7a from summer heat exhaustion. Mulch in winter will provide protection for the roots and expect occasional die-back when temperatures hit -5 to -10 degrees F. Repeated or successive cold winters with complete foliage loss seem to be an issue with this and many evergreen zone 6/7 plants. One occasional difficult winter followed by mild winters is more tolerable. This plant, however, will generally recover in one summer with decent watering and fertilizer. Plants do not "run" in the landscape like traditional bamboo and are not invasive; think of it as an evergreen ornamental grass with a nice compact fountain-like appearance.

product product
Fargesia rufa (large)
Dwarf Clump Bamboo / Dragon Head Bamboo (large)
$75.00 $97.50

Dragon Head Bamboo (Fargesia rufa) is a wonderful relatively new bamboo introduction with bright green leaves, red sheaths on new canes, and most importantly, a CLUMPING growth habit. This plant creates a soft textured tropical lush appearance in the garden. This unique and interesting plant is evergreen to -5 degree F and grows to about 2-3 feet in Eastern Kansas. (the published 6-10 feet is only achieved in desirable more stable climates like Oregon) Fargesia rufa provides shelter for birds, is not troubled by any diseases, insects, or animals, and is resistant to drought and heat after established. In Eastern Kansas, typically our 40 inches of rainfall is sufficient without extra water if planted in good soils. It is best grown in organically rich, acidic, well-drained soils in part shade but tolerates full shade (not dry-shade). It prefers cool summer climates; although we are on the Southern edge of this plants adaptability, it still survives reasonably well here. Look for a cold microclimate planting location such as East or North exposure. It needs some morning sun but lots of protection from hot afternoon sun. Does not perform well in the hot and humid summers of the southeastern U.S. or anywhere south of zone 6b. I have witnesses plants die in zone 7a from summer heat exhaustion. Mulch in winter will provide protection for the roots and expect occasional die-back when temperatures hit -5 to -10 degrees F. Repeated or successive cold winters with complete foliage loss seem to be an issue with this and many evergreen zone 6/7 plants. One occasional difficult winter followed by mild winters is more tolerable. This plant, however, will generally recover in one summer with decent watering and fertilizer. Plants do not "run" in the landscape like traditional bamboo and are not invasive; think of it as an evergreen ornamental grass with a nice compact fountain-like appearance.

product product
Ferocactus sp.
Fire Barrel Cactus (Tropical)
$40.00 $52.00

Fire Barrel Cacti (Ferocactus sp.) are known for their bright red spines. Native to the Mojave desert south to the desert of Baja California, it's usually grown as a patio or house plant in Kansas. In the wild, some fire barrel species are hardy to 20 degrees F. Grow in full sun with no extra watering except that which comes from rainfall. Repotting may or may not be needed depending on how large you want the plant to grow; plants can continue to grow taller and tolerate extremely root-bound pots but may need wind bracing. If repotting, make sure to use a sharp draining low organic cactus mix with plenty of sand and perlite. Potted plants are hardy to at least 25 degrees F for a short time if kept dry so you are ok if you miss the first light frost. Do not allow the pot with rootball to freeze solid though. Before extreme cold occurs, move to a bright interior window over the winter with no watering and keep above freezing. As a winter house plant, it will look presentable all winter long with just no waterings.(also to prevent lanky winter growth) As a permanent house plant, provide bright light and allow the soil to dry between waterings for many years of carefree enjoyment. Plants grown permanently indoors may begin to elongate stretching for light and lose their spine color. It can be hard to reproduce the intense UV sunlight they need so moving outside for the summer is best. Generally if moving outside for the summer, allow 1-2 weeks of part shade or morning sun before placing in full sun. Plants with time to acclimate will thrive in full sun but be careful not to rush it or sunburning will occur. Potted plants are very low maintenance but watch for scale and mealybugs that may hide beneath the cover of spines.

product product
Firmiana simplex
Chinese Parasol Tree
$40.00 $52.00

Chinese Parasol Tree (Firmiana simplex) is typically grown as a hardy tropical with huge green leaves and bright green stems that last through winter. This "die to the ground each winter" tree is even more impressive from water strout shoots from the ground. When grown in Kansas, it can be used as summer patio plant tolerating root-boundness well. Water regularly and place in full sun or part shade and enjoy all summer long into late fall. Potted plants are hardy to at least 25 degrees F for a short time if kept dry so you can wait awhile to move these in for the winter. Do not allow the pot with rootball to freeze solid though. Move into a cold garage or basement over the winter. Provide minimal watering and allow the foliage to go dormant and drop off if not already. Bright green stems will remain and add interest during winter. Place back out in April or May with a time-release fertilizer. Landscapers mainly plant Chinese Parasol "Tree" as a die-back to the ground woody perennial "tree". Even without mulch, it is easy to overwinter Firmiana simplex in the ground in Kansas as a woody perennial; complete die-back happens every 1-2 years. The resulting water sprouts from the ground create a bold tropical effect with robust bright green shoots resembling pool cue sticks reaching 5-8' in one season from a 3gal container! We have measured leaves up to 36" long aranded in whorls along the stems. Plants can exceed 15 feet with two consecutive years with no die-back when planted on a South wall. In Eastern Kansas, typically our 40 inches of rainfall is sufficient without extra water in good soils. Chinese Parasol Tree has been planted in our trial gardens and at several residential gardens in Lawrence, KS (zone 6a) 5-10 years ago. During the arctic blast of February, 2021, lows down to -17 degrees F on Feb 16th, 2021 were recorded. The longevity of this cold blast was also impressive: 10 days on a row with highs of 10-15 degrees F or lower, 8 nights of lows in the single digits and negatives, and 36 straight hours of 0 degrees F and mostly lower. Most plants survived with complete die-back and new spring water sprouts. This species is an aggressive, invasive weed in the warmer parts of North America south of zone 7b but not in Kansas because seeds never have a chance to form. Taking 5-7 years to reach flowering size, die-back is much more frequent than that in zone 6. Wow, what a "releaf"!

product product
Gasteria / Haworthia / Aloe sp.
Mixed Gasteria / Haworthia / Aloe succulents (Tropical)
$5.00 $6.50

These succulents are usually spineless and grown for their beautiful shapes, color and texture. Gasteria / Haworthia / Aloe are usually grown as small patio or house plants in Kansas. In the wild, some species are hardy to below 20 degrees F. Grow in part sun to full shade with little extra watering except that which comes from rainfall. Repotting may or may not be needed depending on how large you want the plant to grow; plants can continue to grow and tolerate extremely root-bound pots but will eventually need thinned or repotted. If repotting, make sure to use a sharp draining low organic cactus mix with plenty of sand and perlite. To play is safe, potted plants are best moved in before night temperatures get below 45 degrees F. It is important to avoid the combination of wet and cold. Move to a bright interior window over the winter with no watering and keep above freezing. As a winter house plant, it will look presentable all winter long with just a few waterings. As a permanent house plant, provide bright light and allow the soil to dry between waterings for many years of carefree enjoyment. Generally if moving outside for the summer, keep in part to full shade. Some species will acclimate and thrive in full sun but be careful not to rush it or sunburning will occur; move into sun gradually over a few weeks. Potted plants are very low maintenance but avoid too much water or plants will rot.

product product
Geranium macrorrhizum
Big-root Hardy Geranium
$11.00 $14.30

Geranium macrorrhizum, commonly called Bigroot Geranium is native to the Southeast Alps and the Balkans. It features highly aromatic fuzzy leaves that leave you wanting another sniff after crushing a leaf in your hand. Early summer pink, rose, or white flowers form depending on the cultivar. It forms a weed-suppressing mat of rhizomatous semi-evergreen perennial that typically grows to 12" tall but spreads to 24" wide. Root rot can be a problem in poor drainage areas. Bigroot Geranium is the most drought tolerant of the hardy geraniums earning a spot in the dry shade garden; it cannot handle extreme drought or extremely rootbound soils though. It prefers average to dry garden conditions with dappled or morning sun. Sun burning is possible with temperatures over 100° so avoid full afternoon sun. Plantings can thrive for decades if in the right spot as there is no such thing as overcrowding for Big Root Geranium. When planted in mass, growth is slow at first but eventually a cake-like rhizome system will form and completely smother out any weeds and compete well with trees for water and nutrients. The growth rate is slow at first so space new plants relatively close together is desiring this effect.

product product
Geranium maculatum
Wild Geranium / Native Cranesbill
$4.00 $6.50

***Description for this perennial available with future update!***

product product
Geranium sanguineum
Hardy Geranium / Bloody Cranesbill
$15.00 $19.00

***Description for this perennial available with future update!***

product product
Haemanthus albiflos
Elephant's Tongue Plant (Tropical)
$40.00 $52.00

Elephant's Tongue Plant (Haemanthus albiflos) has attractive exceptionally wide medium green, wide, glossy, curved foliage along with occasional white flowers. It is native to seasonal semi-dry coastal cliffs in South Africa hardy to 23-25 degrees F. It is best used as a houseplant or summer patio plant in Kansas. Place in part to full shade in areas where occasional extra watering can happen including that which comes from rainfall. Repotting may or may not be needed depending on how large you want the plant to grow; plants can continue to grow thicker and tolerate extremely root-bound pots. Potted plants are hardy to at least 30 degrees F for a short time but try not to miss the first light frost. Move into a cold garage, basement, or bright window over the winter with occasional watering. Flowering is more reliable with root-bound plants but rarely occurs. As a winter house plant, it will look presentable all winter long with just a few waterings. As a permanent house plant, provide bright light and allow the soil to dry between waterings for many years (even decades) of carefree enjoyment. Potted plants grow very slow and are very low maintenance needing only old leaves removed once per year. Elephant's tongue is relatively rare and will command a higher price than most other houseplants.

product product
Hamamelis vernalis
Ozark Witchhazel Shrub

***Shrub descriptions available with future update!***

product product
Hedera helix
English Ivy

English Ivy (Hedera helix) is planted for its evergreen dark green foliage. This is one of the most deep shade tolerant plants available. It makes a durable evergreen groundcover that starts off slow, but grows quickly after a few years to forms a dense, weed-smothering mat of foliage. As one of the most dry-shade tolerant plants there is, it's thick leathery leaves seem to handle everything nature has to throw at it! That being said, beware that this is an extremely vigorous plant that crowds out most weeds and is itself weed-like, with a very spreading growth habit. After establishment, it is high maintenance if it has already filled the space and you don't want it to spread any further: it even resists Round-up! It will climb trees if you allow it, generally using it for support to allow its mature form to develop and flowering to occur. For the home garden, the species is generally too aggressive to mix with other plants. We have more requests on "how to eradicate it" than "wanting to purchase it".

product product
Helleborus 'Ivory Prince'
Ivory Prince Hellebore
$13.00 $16.90

Lenten Rose (Helleborus) are the ultimate dry-shade plant for eastern Kansas landscapes. Most hellebores are native to mountainous wooded regions of Europe with limestone bedrock and calcareous, humus-rich soils. They have everything a gardener might ask for; beautiful spring flowers, dependable dark green foliage, evergreen during winter, appreciation for alkaline soils, and ease of care with very low maintenance. Hellebores are one of the first perennials to start growing in the spring with flowering occurring even with hard freezes. Flowers last incredibly long 2 to 3 months and finally turn greenish in June. No deadheading is needed because the foliage just absorbs the flower stalks as they fade. Summer and fall foliage is dark green, dependable, and pest-free. Evergreen foliage is hardy to about 0°F. If it gets colder than that, hellebores will be deciduous with no detrimental effects. Desirable self-seeding may gently occur around mother plants. Hellebores do have an Achilles heel however; they cannot tolerate wet or poorly drained soils, not even slightly. In areas with too much rainfall or poorly drained soils, foliage diseases and root rot are likely to occur. Hellebores are also not the best choice for full sun, while they will survive, they will get foliage burn in the summer when over 100°F in afternoon sun. With poisonous foliage, these plants resist deer and rabbit browsing. What a great plant for the dry shade garden! There are many improved flowering cultivars to choose from now. Helleborus 'Ivory Prince' is a selection chosen for its quick growing nature. Burgundy-pink buds open to creamy, white flowers that mature with pink highlights in early spring. Blooms face up and outward from the reddish stems over evergreen foliage. Prominent veining on leathery evergreen foliage is showy even when not in bloom. Great in our trial gardens to far.

product product
Helleborus 'Sandy Shores' (Honeymoon Series)
Sandy Shores Helleborus
$13.00 $16.90

Lenten Rose (Helleborus) is the ultimate dry-shade plant for eastern Kansas landscapes. Most hellebores are native to mountainous wooded regions of Europe with limestone bedrock and calcareous, humus-rich soils. They have everything a gardener might ask for; beautiful spring flowers, dependable dark green foliage, evergreen during winter, appreciation for alkaline soils, and ease of care with very low maintenance. Hellebores are one of the first perennials to start growing in the spring with flowering occurring even with hard freezes. Flowers last incredibly long 2 to 3 months and finally turn greenish in June. No deadheading is needed because the foliage just absorbs the flower stalks as they fade. Summer and fall foliage is dark green, dependable, and pest-free. Evergreen foliage is hardy to about 0°F. If it gets colder than that, hellebores will be deciduous with no detrimental effects. Desirable self-seeding may gently occur around mother plants. Hellebores do have an Achilles heel however; they cannot tolerate wet or poorly drained soils, not even slightly. In areas with too much rainfall or poorly drained soils, foliage diseases and root rot are likely to occur. Hellebores are also not the best choice for full sun, while they will survive, they will get foliage burn in the summer when over 100°F in afternoon sun. With poisonous foliage, these plants resist deer and rabbit browsing. What a great plant for the dry shade garden! There are many improved flowering cultivars to choose from now. Helleborus 'Sandy Shores' HONEYMOON® is a new series from Walters Gardens hybridizer Hans Hansen. In his breeding work, he selects for plants with notable vigor, showy floral displays with large numbers of blossoms per plant, and rich flower colors.'Sandy Shores' bears 2½-3", single pale apricot flowers with a lovely rosy pink color on the backs.

product product
Helleborus 'Wedding Crasher'
Wedding Crasher Pink Hellebore
$13.00 $16.90

Lenten Rose (Helleborus) is the ultimate dry-shade plant for eastern Kansas landscapes. Most hellebores are native to mountainous wooded regions of Europe with limestone bedrock and calcareous, humus-rich soils. They have everything a gardener might ask for; beautiful spring flowers, dependable dark green foliage, evergreen during winter, appreciation for alkaline soils, and ease of care with very low maintenance. Hellebores are one of the first perennials to start growing in the spring with flowering occurring even with hard freezes. Flowers last incredibly long 2 to 3 months and finally turn greenish in June. No deadheading is needed because the foliage just absorbs the flower stalks as they fade. Summer and fall foliage is dark green, dependable, and pest-free. Evergreen foliage is hardy to about 0°F. If it gets colder than that, hellebores will be deciduous with no detrimental effects. Desirable self-seeding may gently occur around mother plants. Hellebores do have an Achilles heel however; they cannot tolerate wet or poorly drained soils, not even slightly. In areas with too much rainfall or poorly drained soils, foliage diseases and root rot are likely to occur. Hellebores are also not the best choice for full sun, while they will survive, they will get foliage burn in the summer when over 100°F in afternoon sun. With poisonous foliage, these plants resist deer and rabbit browsing. What a great plant for the dry shade garden! There are many improved flowering cultivars to choose from now. Merlin Pink Hellebore (Helleborus x ballardiae HGC 'Merlin') features large outward-facing pink flowers that last 6-8 weeks. Prominent veining on leathery evergreen foliage is showy even when not in bloom.

product product
Helleborus foetidus
Evergreen Bear Claw Hellebore
$12.00 $15.00

Bear Claw / Stinking Hellebore (Helleborus foetidus) is the ultimate dry-shade plant for eastern Kansas landscapes. Most hellebores are native to mountainous wooded regions of Europe and Asia with limestone bedrock and calcareous, humus-rich soils. They have everything a gardener might ask for; beautiful spring flowers, dependable dark green foliage, evergreen during winter, appreciation for alkaline soils, and ease of care with very low maintenance. Hellebores are one of the first perennials to start growing in the spring with flowering occurring even with hard freezes. Bear Claw Hellebore literally starts blooming in January and February in zone 6a. The drooping cup-shaped flowers appear in spring, and are yellowish-green, often with a purple edge to the five petal-like sepals on strongly upright stems. The flowers are very attractive to bees and other insects at a time of year when hardly any other plant (except Witchhazel / Hamamelis) is blooming. Despite its common name, it is not noticeably malodorous, although the foliage is pungent when crushed. Greenish flowers last incredibly long 2 to 3 months and finally turn brown in May and should be dead-headed. Summer and fall foliage is bear claw-like, dark green, dependable, and pest-free. Evergreen foliage is hardy to about -10°F with complete death occurring at about -15°F for unmulched plants. Desirable self-seeding will occur around mother plants. Individual plants of this species usually live for 3-4 years so it is advisable to allow a patch of different aged plants. Flowering usually occurs at 2-3 years. Hellebores do have an Achilles heel however; they cannot tolerate wet or poorly drained soils, not even slightly. In areas with too much rainfall or poorly drained soils, foliage diseases and root rot are likely to occur. Hellebores are also not the best choice for full sun, while they will survive, they will get foliage burn in the summer when over 100°F in afternoon sun. This hellebore is less adapted to consistent summer heat and humidity of zone 7b areas or South. With poisonous foliage, these plants resist deer and rabbit browsing. What a great plant for the dry shade garden! There are a few interesting and improved cultivars but are rarely available.

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Helleborus orientalis
Evergreen Lenten Rose / Helleborus
$12.00 $15.00

Lenten Rose (Helleborus) is the ultimate dry-shade plant for eastern Kansas landscapes. Most hellebores are native to mountainous wooded regions of Europe with limestone bedrock and calcareous, humus-rich soils. They have everything a gardener might ask for; beautiful spring flowers, dependable dark green foliage, evergreen during winter, appreciation for alkaline soils, and ease of care with very low maintenance. Hellebores are one of the first perennials to start growing in the spring with flowering occurring even with hard freezes. Flowers last incredibly long 2 to 3 months and finally turn greenish in June. No deadheading is needed because the foliage just absorbs the flower stalks as they fade. Summer and fall foliage is dark green, dependable, and pest-free. Evergreen foliage is hardy to about 0°F. If it gets colder than that, hellebores will be deciduous with no detrimental effects. Desirable self-seeding may gently occur around mother plants. Hellebores do have an Achilles heel however; they cannot tolerate wet or poorly drained soils, not even slightly. In areas with too much rainfall or poorly drained soils, foliage diseases and root rot are likely to occur. Hellebores are also not the best choice for full sun, while they will survive, they will get foliage burn in the summer when over 100°F in afternoon sun. With poisonous foliage, these plants resist deer and rabbit browsing. What a great plant for the dry shade garden! There are many improved flowering cultivars to choose from now.

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Helleborus orientalis (large)
Evergreen Lenten Rose / Helleborus (large)
$17.00 $22.10

Lenten Rose (Helleborus) is the ultimate dry-shade plant for eastern Kansas landscapes. Most hellebores are native to mountainous wooded regions of Europe with limestone bedrock and calcareous, humus-rich soils. They have everything a gardener might ask for; beautiful spring flowers, dependable dark green foliage, evergreen during winter, appreciation for alkaline soils, and ease of care with very low maintenance. Hellebores are one of the first perennials to start growing in the spring with flowering occurring even with hard freezes. Flowers last incredibly long 2 to 3 months and finally turn greenish in June. No deadheading is needed because the foliage just absorbs the flower stalks as they fade. Summer and fall foliage is dark green, dependable, and pest-free. Evergreen foliage is hardy to about 0°F. If it gets colder than that, hellebores will be deciduous with no detrimental effects. Desirable self-seeding may gently occur around mother plants. Hellebores do have an Achilles heel however; they cannot tolerate wet or poorly drained soils, not even slightly. In areas with too much rainfall or poorly drained soils, foliage diseases and root rot are likely to occur. Hellebores are also not the best choice for full sun, while they will survive, they will get foliage burn in the summer when over 100°F in afternoon sun. With poisonous foliage, these plants resist deer and rabbit browsing. What a great plant for the dry shade garden! There are many improved flowering cultivars to choose from now.

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Hesperaloe parviflora
Texas Red Yucca / Hesperaloe
$4.00 $6.50

Texas Red Yucca (Hesperaloe parviflora) is a slow-growing broadleaf evergreen perennial with tall coral red flowers! Surprisingly, a native of Northeastern Mexico and Southwestern Texas can handle our extreme cold and wetness of Lawrence, KS! Normally thriving in hot, dry, desert conditions, is also surprisingly winter hardy to USDA Zone 5. Medium to blue-green leaves form rosettes about 2-3 feet tall and wide. Tall red flower spikes reliably appear on mature plants from July to October lasting 3-4 months in Kansas. If pollination is successful, attractive seed heads form later turning to black before cracking open in winter. Tough as nails, yuccas are the ideal plant for a no-maintenance garden. Normally a plant has specific requirements for success but this yucca has only a few: it cannot tolerate poorly drained soils, full shade, or North exposures. This and other yuccas look best when combined with other flowering plants providing texture and color. In mass plantings, red yucca can create an interesting architectural look. Combined with ornamental grasses, red yucca can create stunning contrasts with winter grass colors of pink, orange and rust. Red flowers are pollinated by hummingbirds and certainly deserve a place in native plant / pollinator garden. Not a true yucca, this is actually a Hesperaloe, a closely related genus also related to century plants. A large group of Hesperaloe survived -16 degrees F and a week of single digit highs in February, 2021 with no mulch. I have also seen miles upon miles of this plant growing in the medians along multi-lane interstates in Dallas. All plants were healthy looking with no missing or dying plants; truely a tough plant. Truely a 4-seasons plant for your yard!

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Hesperaloe parviflora (large)
Texas Red Yucca / Hesperaloe (large)
$40.00 $52.00

Texas Red Yucca (Hesperaloe parviflora) is a slow-growing broadleaf evergreen perennial with tall coral red flowers! Surprisingly, a native of Northeastern Mexico and Southwestern Texas can handle our extreme cold and wetness of Lawrence, KS! Normally thriving in hot, dry, desert conditions, is also surprisingly winter hardy to USDA Zone 5. Medium to blue-green leaves form rosettes about 2-3 feet tall and wide. Tall red flower spikes reliably appear on mature plants from July to October lasting 3-4 months in Kansas. If pollination is successful, attractive seed heads form later turning to black before cracking open in winter. Tough as nails, yuccas are the ideal plant for a no-maintenance garden. Normally a plant has specific requirements for success but this yucca has only a few: it cannot tolerate poorly drained soils, full shade, or North exposures. This and other yuccas look best when combined with other flowering plants providing texture and color. In mass plantings, red yucca can create an interesting architectural look. Combined with ornamental grasses, red yucca can create stunning contrasts with winter grass colors of pink, orange and rust. Red flowers are pollinated by hummingbirds and certainly deserve a place in native plant / pollinator garden. Not a true yucca, this is actually a Hesperaloe, a closely related genus also related to century plants. A large group of Hesperaloe survived -16 degrees F and a week of single digit highs in February, 2021 with no mulch. I have also seen miles upon miles of this plant growing in the medians along multi-lane interstates in Dallas. All plants were healthy looking with no missing or dying plants; truely a tough plant. Truely a 4-seasons plant for your yard!

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Heuchera 'Carmel'
Carmel Coral Belles
$10.00 $13.00

Caramel coral bells (Heuchera 'Caramel') are planted for its unusual orange-copper-peach evergreen leaf colors. Tiny light pink flowers also appear in early summer. Foliage maintains well as a non-spreading clump all year provided that certain cultural conditions are met. Native to Eastern U.S. forests in humusy, medium well-drained soil in part shade to full shade, it needs constantly moist soil rich in organic matter but avoid clay. Summer droughts and temperatures over 100 degrees F. are stressful for coral belles. If low temperatures hit -10 degrees F, foliage finally dies back to the ground and re-emerges in early spring. Useful in Kansas landscapes as a small scale groundcover in part shade or morning sun. Color is less intense in full shade. Generally this plant declines after a few years of Kansas climate but worth a try in perfect soils in well-tended shade gardens. Preferring northern climates, lack of moisture, alkaline soils, and competition with weeds seem to be an issue. 'Carmel' is a villosa hybrid with glowing golden-orange leaves turning a bit more apricot with warmer weather. Foliage is fuzzy giving the plants a more frosted look. For a coral bell, this cultivar is very heat and humidity tolerant; a vigorous grower. We have a specimen thriving in our Lawrence, KS, for over 10 years needing very little care; it gets morning sun, regular irrigation, and that's about it! All Proven Winners® plants are legally propagated, healthy and vigorous, true to name, and tagged with color pictures and growing information.

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Heuchera 'Grape Expectations'
Grape Expectations Coral Bells
$10.00 $13.00

Obsidian Coral Bells (Heuchera x 'Obsidian') are planted for its unusual orange-copper-peach evergreen leaf colors. Tiny light pink flowers also appear in early summer. Foliage maintains well as a non-spreading clump all year provided that certain cultural conditions are met. Native to Eastern U.S. forests in humusy, medium well-drained soil in part shade to full shade, it needs constantly moist soil rich in organic matter but avoid clay. Summer droughts and temperatures over 100 degrees F. are stressful for coral belles. If low temperatures hit -10 degrees F, foliage finally dies back to the ground and re-emerges in early spring. Useful in Kansas landscapes as a small scale groundcover in part shade or morning sun. Color is less intense in full shade. Generally this plant declines after a few years of Kansas climate but worth a try in perfect soils in well-tended shade gardens. Preferring northern climates, lack of moisture, alkaline soils, and competition with weeds seem to be an issue. 'Carmel' is a villosa hybrid with glowing golden-orange leaves turning a bit more apricot with warmer weather. Foliage is fuzzy giving the plants a more frosted look. For a coral bell, this cultivar is very heat and humidity tolerant; a vigorous grower. We have a specimen thriving in our Lawrence, KS, for over 10 years needing very little care; it gets morning sun, regular irrigation, and that's about it! All Proven Winners® plants are legally propagated, healthy and vigorous, true to name, and tagged with color pictures and growing information.

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Heuchera x 'Obsidian'
Obsidian Coral Belles
$10.00 $13.00

Obsidian Coral Bells (Heuchera x 'Obsidian') are planted for its unusual orange-copper-peach evergreen leaf colors. Tiny light pink flowers also appear in early summer. Foliage maintains well as a non-spreading clump all year provided that certain cultural conditions are met. Native to Eastern U.S. forests in humusy, medium well-drained soil in part shade to full shade, it needs constantly moist soil rich in organic matter but avoid clay. Summer droughts and temperatures over 100 degrees F. are stressful for coral belles. If low temperatures hit -10 degrees F, foliage finally dies back to the ground and re-emerges in early spring. Useful in Kansas landscapes as a small scale groundcover in part shade or morning sun. Color is less intense in full shade. Generally this plant declines after a few years of Kansas climate but worth a try in perfect soils in well-tended shade gardens. Preferring northern climates, lack of moisture, alkaline soils, and competition with weeds seem to be an issue. 'Carmel' is a villosa hybrid with glowing golden-orange leaves turning a bit more apricot with warmer weather. Foliage is fuzzy giving the plants a more frosted look. For a coral bell, this cultivar is very heat and humidity tolerant; a vigorous grower. We have a specimen thriving in our Lawrence, KS, for over 10 years needing very little care; it gets morning sun, regular irrigation, and that's about it! All Proven Winners® plants are legally propagated, healthy and vigorous, true to name, and tagged with color pictures and growing information.

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Hoya sp.
Wax Plant (Tropical)
$18.00 $23.40

Wax Plants (Hoya sp.) have been popular house plants for decades because they are extremely long-lived, have a classic, deep green, vining foliage and produce fragrant, light pink and red star-shaped flowers. Because of their thick waxy foliage, they are often called wax plants. These tropical vines have a few requirements in order to thrive but nothing too hard. Give them bright indirect light and water only when dry. If light, temperature, and humidity are sufficient, flowers may occur. If not, then just enjoy the beautiful foliage. They are usually grown as a house plant in Kansas but can be moved outside in the summer if kept in full shade. Leaves will sunburn easily! In the wild, most species grow in dry-deciduous jungles that never get below 60 degrees F. Repotting may or may not be needed depending on how large you want the plant to grow; plants can continue to grow in the same pot for decades. If repotting, make sure to use a sharp draining but high organic cactus mix with plenty of sand and perlite. To play is safe, outside potted plants are best moved in before night temperatures get below 50 degrees F. It is important to avoid the combination of wet and cold. Potted plants are very low maintenance but watch for scale and mealybugs that may hide beneath the foliage.

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Hypericum frondosum 'Sunburst'
Sunburst Hypericum
$18.00 $23.40

Sunburst Hypericum, is also known as Hypericum frondosum 'Sunburst'

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Iberis sempervirens
Evergreen Candytuft

***Description for this perennial available with future update!***

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Ilex crenata 'Sky Box'
Sky Box Columnar Japanese Holly
$18.00 $23.40

>>>>>All Proven Winners® plants are legally propagated, healthy and vigorous, true to name, and tagged with color pictures and growing information.

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Ilex opaca
American Tree Holly
$39.00 $50.00

American Tree Holly, is also known as Ilex opaca

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Indocalamus tessellatus
Largeleaf Groundcover Bamboo / Indocalamus
$20.00 $26.00

Largeleaf Groundcover Bamboo / Indocalamus, is also known as Indocalamus tessellatus

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Iris cristata
Dwarf Crested Iris
$4.00 $6.50

***Description for this perennial available with future update!***

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Itea virginica 'Henry's Garnet'
Henry's Garnet Virginia Sweetspire
$22.00 $28.60

Virginia sweetspire (Itea virginica) is a native shrub found along creeks and streams in the eastern United States. Foliage consists of a simple leaf, medium to light green, and usually glossy. White cascading flowers cover the plants in spring for about a month with pollinators flocking to the occasion. Fall color is outstanding shades of red and purple. Leaves cling to the stem and are very persistent down to about 10-15°F often finally dropping in December. Stems during the winter take on an attractive reddish-brown and green coloring. Sweetspire is truly a four-season shrub! In the landscape, combine with native plants, hardy tropicals, or summer flowering plants. These plants can tolerate saturated soils and are perfect for rain gardens or any other rich soil garden areas. North exposures are fine in zone 6 but not any further north as winter kill becomes a problem in zone 5. Water is usually the limiting factor in southern climates zone 7-9. Sweetspire is highly sensitive to iron chlorosis so avoid alkaline soils. In our eastern Kansas climate, we avoid afternoon sun and dry soils. Full shade is tolerated but not dry shade. Fall color will be reduced or nonexistent in full shade. Morning sun is best for avoiding leaf burn but still allowing fall coloring. Overall, this is a great garden plant when sited in the right conditions. Itea virginica 'Henry's Garnet' has larger flowers and better fall color compared to the species.

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Itea virginica 'Merlot'
Merlot Virginia Sweetspire
$22.00 $28.60

Virginia sweetspire (Itea virginica) is a native shrub found along creeks and streams in the eastern United States. Foliage consists of a simple leaf, medium to light green, and usually glossy. White cascading flowers cover the plants in spring for about a month with pollinators flocking to the occasion. Fall color is outstanding shades of red and purple. Leaves cling to the stem and are very persistent down to about 10-15°F often finally dropping in December. Stems during the winter take on an attractive reddish-brown and green coloring. Sweetspire is truly a four-season shrub! In the landscape, combine with native plants, hardy tropicals, or summer flowering plants. These plants can tolerate saturated soils and are perfect for rain gardens or any other rich soil garden areas. North exposures are fine in zone 6 but not any further north as winter kill becomes a problem in zone 5. Water is usually the limiting factor in southern climates zone 7-9. Sweetspire is highly sensitive to iron chlorosis so avoid alkaline soils. In our eastern Kansas climate, we avoid afternoon sun and dry soils. Full shade is tolerated but not dry shade. Fall color will be reduced or nonexistent in full shade. Morning sun is best for avoiding leaf burn but still allowing fall coloring. Overall, this is a great garden plant when sited in the right conditions. Itea virginica 'Merlot' features more mounded, compact stature and more persistant burgundy fall color making it an improvement over older varieties such as the old favorite 'Henry's Garnet'. Flowers are scented!

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Itea virginica 'Scentlandia'
Scentlandia Virginia Sweetspire
$18.00 $23.40

Virginia sweetspire (Itea virginica) is a native shrub found along creeks and streams in the eastern United States. Foliage consists of a simple leaf, medium to light green, and usually glossy. White cascading flowers cover the plants in spring for about a month with pollinators flocking to the occasion. Fall color is outstanding shades of red and purple. Leaves cling to the stem and are very persistent down to about 10-15°F often finally dropping in December. Stems during the winter take on an attractive reddish-brown and green coloring. Sweetspire is truly a four-season shrub! In the landscape, combine with native plants, hardy tropicals, or summer flowering plants. These plants can tolerate saturated soils and are perfect for rain gardens or any other rich soil garden areas. North exposures are fine in zone 6 but not any further north as winter kill becomes a problem in zone 5. Water is usually the limiting factor in southern climates zone 7-9. Sweetspire is highly sensitive to iron chlorosis so avoid alkaline soils. In our eastern Kansas climate, we avoid afternoon sun and dry soils. Full shade is tolerated but not dry shade. Fall color will be reduced or nonexistent in full shade. Morning sun is best for avoiding leaf burn but still allowing fall coloring. Overall, this is a great garden plant when sited in the right conditions. Itea virginica 'Scentlandia' adds sweet summertime fragrance to the host of other improvements like compact growth, improved flowerbud hardiness, and improved red fall color. All Proven Winners® plants are legally propagated, healthy and vigorous, true to name, and tagged with color pictures and growing information.

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Jasminium nudiflorum
Yellow Winter Flowering Hardy Jasmine
$18.00 $23.40

Winter Jasmine (Jasminium nudiflorum) is a spreading dwarf shrub native to China. It features dark green glossy leaves that remain attractive all summer. The density of the shrub overtime is unmatched, completely eliminating any weeds including tree seedlings from emerging. Bright yellow five-petaled flowers resembling forsythia bloom extremely early in the spring usually in February or March before foliage growth (in Lawrence, KS). Flower buds are hardy to about 0° so flowering may not occur every year if temperatures get lower. Occasionally this shrub will bloom in the middle of winter when we have a 2-3 week warm spell. When it does bloom, it creates a spectacular show completely covering the shrub. It will grow in full sun or full shade in medium to dry soils including some dry-shade. It tolerates moist soils and brief periods of saturated soils after heavy rains. Fall color is yellow but drops quickly. Stems take on an olive greenish color in winter rendering them mildly attractive. Winter jasmine is commonly grown as a spreading groundcover shrub for difficult areas, frequently used as large mass planting on hills. Because of its tolerance for adverse conditions including poor soil and rock, it is often one of the last resort plants that will survive in certain areas. It competes well under large shade trees and helps absorb leaf litter allowing it to break down and add nutrients back to the soil. This plant also does well in hot dry parking lot islands, hell strips, and along busy roads in full sun. Another great spot is planting on top of a retaining wall allowing it to cascade down. Further uses include erosion control and streambank stabilization. We do not recommend planting in small areas or in spaces that it will overrun neighboring plants. It only spreads above ground as horizontally growing stems touch the ground and root. This does make maintenance easier to control the spread of the plant versus digging out rhizomes. Avoid North exposures and wet soils. Considered one of the most versatile and best plants for solving difficult landscape challenges.

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Juncus effusus
Bog Rush / Juncus
$15.00 $19.50

>>>>>This plant can also be used as a marginal aquatic plant growing in shallow water. It can also grow as a bog plant needing constantly moist soil rich in organic matter. As a rain garden plant, it will thrive is a depressed area in the landscape that collects rain water from a roof during spring and summer periods of rain but then go dormant if the water hole dries out completely.

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Juncus effusus 'Spiralis'
Corkscrew Rush
$17.00 $22.10

***Description for this plant available with future update!*** This plant can also be used as a marginal aquatic plant growing in shallow water. It can also grow as a bog plant needing constantly moist soil rich in organic matter. As a rain garden plant, it will thrive is a depressed area in the landscape that collects rain water from a roof during spring and summer periods of rain but then go dormant if the water hole dries out completely.

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Juncus inflexus
Blue Rush / Juncus
$15.00 $19.50

>>>>>This plant can also be used as a marginal aquatic plant growing in shallow water. It can also grow as a bog plant needing constantly moist soil rich in organic matter. As a rain garden plant, it will thrive is a depressed area in the landscape that collects rain water from a roof during spring and summer periods of rain but then go dormant if the water hole dries out completely.

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Juniperus virginiana
Eastern Red Ceder
$45.00 $56.00

Eastern Red Ceder, is also known as Juniperus virginiana

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Kalanchoe daigremontiana
Mother of Thousands (Tropical)
$9.00 $11.70

Mother of Thousands (Kalanchoe daigremontiana) is a very unusual succulent (and sometimes a weed) grown for its beautiful symmetrical foliage with neatly aligned babies (offspring) growing along the leaf edges. Tall orange flowers emerge from larger mature pot grown plants. Usually used as a patio or house plant in Kansas, they can also be grown as an annual. Grow in full sun to part sun with optional extra watering including that which comes from rainfall. Plants with time to acclimate will thrive in full sun but be careful not to rush it or sunburning will occur. Generally if moving outside for the summer, allow 2-3 weeks of part shade or morning sun before placing in full sun. Repotting may or may not be needed depending on how large you want the plant to grow; plants can continue to grow and tolerate extremely root-bound pots. Protect from temperatures below 35 degrees F and move into a bright window over the winter with no watering. Do not allow Mother of Thousands grown in pots to freeze solid or get close to freezing especially if soil is wet or death may occur. As a winter house plant, it will look presentable all winter long with just a few monthly or no waterings if you forget. As a permanent house plant, provide bright light and allow the soil to dry between waterings for many years of carefree enjoyment. Note that Mother of Thousands is called so because "babies" constantly fall off the mother plant and can become weeds in your other succulent plants. This is mostly interesting (especially for kids) to see how some plants can propagate. Undesired plants can easily be pulled out and given to a new home.

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Kalanchoe delagoensis
Mother of Millions (Tropical)
$9.00 $11.70

Mother of Millions (Kalanchoe delagoensis) is a very unusual succulent (and sometimes weed) grown for its beautiful symmetrical foliage with neatly aligned babies(offspring) growing along the leaf edges. Tall orange flowers emerge from larger mature pot grown plants. Usually used as a patio or house plant in Kansas, they can also be grown as an annual. Grow in full sun to part sun with optional extra watering including that which comes from rainfall. Plants with time to acclimate will thrive in full sun but be careful not to rush it or sunburning will occur. Generally if moving outside for the summer, allow 2-3 weeks of part shade or morning sun before placing in full sun. Repotting may or may not be needed depending on how large you want the plant to grow; plants can continue to grow and tolerate extremely root-bound pots. Protect from temperatures below 35 degrees F and move into a bright window over the winter with no watering. Do not allow Mother of Millions grown in pots to freeze solid or get close to freezing especially if soil is wet or death may occur. As a winter house plant, it will look presentable all winter long with just a few monthly or no waterings if you forget. As a permanent house plant, provide bright light and allow the soil to dry between waterings for many years of carefree enjoyment. Note that Mother of Millions is called so because "babies" constantly fall off the mother plant and can become weeds in your other succulent plants. This is mostly interesting (especially for kids) to see how some plants can propagate. Undesired plants can easily be pulled out and given to a new home.

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Kalanchoe hildebrandtii
Silver Teaspoons Kalanchoe (Tropical)
$9.00 $11.70

The silver foliage color of (Kalanchoe hildebrandtii) steals the show. Usually used as a patio or house plant in Kansas, they can also be grown as an annual if purchased in bulk. Grow in full sun to part sun with optional extra watering including that which comes from rainfall. Plants with time to acclimate will thrive in full sun but be careful not to rush it or sunburning will occur. Generally if moving outside for the summer, allow 2-3 weeks of part shade or morning sun before placing in full sun. Repotting may or may not be needed depending on how large you want the plant to grow; plants can continue to grow and tolerate extremely root-bound pots. Protect from temperatures below 35 degrees F and move into a bright window over the winter with no watering. Do not allow Silver Teaspoons plant grown in pots to freeze solid or get close to freezing especially if soil is wet or death may occur. As a winter house plant, it will look presentable all winter long with just a few monthly or almost no waterings if you forget. As a permanent house plant, provide bright light and allow the soil to dry between waterings for many years of carefree enjoyment. Potted plants are very low maintenance and tolerant of indoor environments. This is not at all a big-box store plant so be prepared to expand your plant palette with Silver Teaspoons!


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